Edit record
You need the correct permission to edit a record. Contact an administrator to get it if required.
Edit one record
- In Team > Inventory, Click View button on the right of the record
- Select Edit in the panel Parameters
- Edit the information and save.
Edit multiple records
- Select the records to edit from the Listing by ticking the box on the left
- Click Bulk action button which appeared on top right of the listing
- Select Export to update: An Excel file is downloaded with the information of the selected records
- Edit the information of your records in the file
- From Team Homepage, Click Import button on top right
- Select the file to upload
Move record to another location
The location containing the records can be moved by an administrator. in Team > Dashboard > Locations:
- Click Action button on the right of the location
- Select Edit
- Change the dependence in the dropdown menu
- Click Update button
Add location to draft record
The draft records are visible from the Inventory page, by ticking Draft records on top of the listing.
- Click View button on the right of the record
- Select Add location in the panel Locations
- Pick the location and save