
From Team Homepage or Team > Inventory:

  1. Click Search button on top right
  2. Select the Inventory in the dropdown (optional)
  3. Select the parameter to search in the dropdown Parameters to search. You can select multiple parameters to search.
  4. Enter the value of the parameter or select it into the list. You can add multiple values. The records are automatically filtered in the listing.

Display more parameters into the table by clicking the Filter button on the right: select the parameters to display.

The search function from your Team Homepage will apply to your records only.

To search into the public records from the other teams, go to the LIMS Homepage and click Search button on top right.

Search by QR/bar code

If you have used the label editing from StockInLab, a QR/bar code was automatically printed in the label. The QR/bar code allow you to simply access to the details of your record.

From the Team Homepage or Team > Inventory listing:

  1. Click Search button on top right
  2. Select Scan QR code on top right
  3. Scan the QR code with the webcam


In Inventory Listing several options to tick and dropdown menus are available on the top to facilitate the readability of the table:

  • Tick With empty to see the records from your inventory with empty stock.
  • Tick My reservation to see your reserved records.
  • Tick My history to see your personal history of records listed in the inventory.
  • Tick Expired to check if you have expired records (Does a parameter can be an expiry date?) in your inventory.
  • Tick Draft records to access the list of the records saved as draft.
  • Tick Public records to see the records from your team’s listing set as public.
  • Use the dropdown menu Inventory to see only the records from a selected inventory.
  • Use the dropdown menu Category to see only the records from a selected category.
  • Use the dropdown menu Member to see only the records from a selected member.
  • Use the button Filter on the right to select parameters to display in the table.

Draft records

Draft records are records with no location entered. To add the location:

  1. Go to the View of the record
  2. Click Add location in the panel Locations
  3. Pick the location and save.

Search into public records

The Search into public records is accessible only from the LIMS Homepage.

Only the global parameters can be used for this search.

Follow the steps described in the section multi-parameter search to search into the public records.