Link records

Linked records

Records from a same inventory or different inventories can be linked together.

View linked records in the overview of the record. Click View button on the right of the record to access its details.

This option applies for a new record you want to add and which needs to be linked to an existing record.

In the overview of the record (Team > Records > View):

  1. Click Link button on the top
  2. Choose the inventory in which you want to enter the new linked record.
  3. Enter the details of the linked record as explained in the section Add record.
  4. Save the record.

From the Inventory listing:

  1. Select the records to link by ticking the box on the left of the records
  2. Click Bulk action button which appeared on top right
  3. Select Link records

Use the Search to retrieve the records to link.

When you tick the box of a record, it remains selected even if you search for another record. The Bulk action button remains visible while records are selected.

In the Bulk action dropdown, select View records to check the selected records before choosing the action to apply.

  1. Select the records to unlink by ticking the box on the left
  2. Click Bulk action button which appears on top right
  3. Select Unlink records