Reserve record

Reserve one record

From the Inventory Listing:

  1. Click Action dot button on the left of the record
  2. Select Reserve

You can only reserve record with a green locket (red locket are already reserved by another member).

From the overview of the record, click Reserve button on the top.

Reserve multiple records

From the Inventory Listing:

  1. Select all the records you want to reserve by ticking the boxes on the left
  2. Click Bulk action button which appears on top right
  3. Select Reserve

Reserved record

Reserved records are notified by a warning in the overview.

  • If you reserved the record, you can cancel it by clicking Cancel reservation on the top.
  • If someone else reserved the record, you can't reserve it for you. You should contact the person who reserved before taking any action.

Manage reservations

From the Inventory Listing, tick the box My reservation on the top to see all your reserved records.

Cancel or withdraw reservation

From the Inventory Listing:

  1. Click Action dot button on the left of the record
  2. Select Cancel reservation

From the overview of the record:

  1. Click Cancel reservation button on the top

If you have multiple records to cancel the reservation

  1. Select the records in the Inventory Listing by ticking the boxes on the left
  2. Click Bulk action button which appears on top right
  3. Select Cancel reservation